6 Canadian-Made Essentials You Can Easily DIY
Lately, many people have been choosing Canadian-made cleaning and self-care products, which is a wonderful way to support local companies.
But I’ve been thinking—why not try making these things ourselves?
With a few basic ingredients most of us already have, plus a touch of essential oils from around the world, we can create gentle cleaners, sprays, and scrubs that work just as well. It’s a practical, satisfying option that feels like a balance between doing it all and keeping things easy.

We all have those days when we need a little pick-me-up. These , short, but deep, wallpaper quotes are here to help.
I have curated 51 of the most inspirational, motivational wallpaper quotes for you in this list. Full instructions (as well as a video) are included as to how you can add them to your phone and create a rotation of the images throughout the day.
They are free and I have not added my watermark so you can enjoy their simplicity and beauty. Motivation and inspiration at your fingertips. ♥

Bath salts + the best essential oils to help you unwind and relax
New on the BLOG...Bath salts and the best essential oils and doTERRA blends to unwind, de-stress and let it all go after a long day.
In this blog I have added a new Bath Salts recipe to print, plus lists of the top oil blends and single oils to support your busy, stressful life.
Plus a look into different salts to use in your own diy salts.
Making your own salts instead of buying them will save you time, money and the be sure to save this one. Kel ♥

The most healing essential oils for stretch marks and scars + rollerball recipe.
Discover which essential oils and carriers are the most soothing, healing and renewing for the skin. Download, save and print the rollerball recipe created for scars and stretchmarks. The most healing essential oils are listed so feel free to substitute any of the oils in the recipe.

Boundaries & Balance: Mastering Client Communication
Boundaries and balance in small business. I share a few personal lessons that many people who are “people pleasers” make often. There are solutions like planning, organizing and being really clear so you don’t make these mistakes in your own business. Great read for women in small business, yoga teachers, wellness coaches, massage therapists and moms who work from home.

Should yoga teachers use music in their yoga classes?
Should yoga teachers use music in their classes?

Embracing Authentic Connection In Your Small Business: A Gentle Approach to Attracting Clients Online
Embracing authentic connection in your small business. Here is a gentler approach to marketing yourself and your business online. (especially for empaths and highly sensitive women over 50) + download 50 beautiful and inspiring quotes for women in small business.

Elevate your next yoga class with this exquisite essential oil blend.
My most requested rollerball recipe after yoga class. Create this recipe at home and use it as a personal scent, during savasana or before meditation. It has a beautiful, sweet and smooth aroma that everyone will love.

Emotional aromatherapy and affirmations. Do they really work well together?
Essential oils and affirmations. 2 mental wellness tools that work well on their own but learn how, when paired together work even better.

10 reasons we tend to skip activities, (like yoga and meditation), that make us feel so good.
10 reasons (science based) reasons we tend to skip activities, like yoga and meditation that are good for our physical and mental health. Learn about the realistic, attainable ways to implement healthy habits like regular yoga and meditation practices.

53 beautiful and inspiring aromatherapy and essential oil quotes.
53 beautiful and inspiring aromatherapy and essential oil quotes. Quotes for the essential oils lover to save. Download the pdf with all of the quotes listed so you can create your own images to share, or save my ready-made images.

How to make room sprays with essential oils.
How to make your own sprays for your home with essential oils, including 7 recipes and 4 pre-made doTERRA blends.

The benefits of journaling with essential oils
Learn more about the benefits of using essential oils with your journal/writing practice.

Pumpkin spice cleaner for Autumn~3 diy blends
A very effective, germ busting all purpose cleaner to try this Fall/Autumn: Pumpkin Spice All Purpose Cleaner with 3 variations on the essential oil blends. Pumpkin spice blend, 3 ways. How to make your own, simple, affordable all purpose cleaner with spicy, sweet essential oils with a kick.

Benefits of journaling for overthinkers
The benefits of journaling, especially for empaths, highly sensitive people and overthinkers. I have included 365 days of journal prompts to get started with your own journal practice, (no sign up necessary).

10 things you probably should not say to an empath/highly sensitive person.
10 things to try and not say to an empath. Empath traits. Highly sensitive people traits. Things to not say to empaths. Statements that are hard on empaths. Being an empath. Being a HSP.

Digital Distraction. It may be affecting our mental health.
Digital Distraction. Is it affecting our mental health? I believe it is and here are ways to get back on track.

Are you a highly sensitive person? Take my quiz and find out!
Ever wondered if you are too sensitive? Maybe being “too sensitive” is actually a good thing. Learn more about being a highly sensitive person and take my quiz to find out.

Clear clutter slowly: 105 things to remove from your home
Less clutter, less stress. Remove 105 things from your home. Download Kellie’s free checklist, along with her 5 minute meditation for “letting go” of things that really aren’t serving you. It’s short, and unbelievably simple.