Are you a highly sensitive person? Take my quiz and find out!
I have a personal story for you today…
You might even be able to relate, so let me know if this is something that really resonates with you…
Ever since I can remember, I have been extremely sensitive to situations, and the environment around me.
When I face a difficult situation, I am often told “I am too sensitive”, or that I really need to let go of stuff, or to “relax a little”.
I also overthink and take things very personally…to the point I have ruined relationships.
At times it is so overwhelming because I feel like there’s something really wrong with me. It’s difficult letting things go. It is also super heavy on the heart when you feel things so deeply.
So, when you’re often told you’re too sensitive and that you can’t take a joke…well, it kinda starts wearing thin.
Over the years, when it comes to building my small business/businesses…I now see why I feel like I’ve failed as well, (or at least am not as successful as I had hoped).
My sensitive, people pleasing, always shifting mood has created many inconsistencies and shifts. One little complaint or criticism totally throws me off and I feel like I want to simply give up. That’s why, in the past 10 years I tend to change my focus.
I have always known I am sensitive, but I thought it was a negative thing…until the last while.
Being sensitive, especially a Highly Sensitive Person can truly be a super power. You just need to know how to take care of yourself and use your intuition and gifts wisely.
If you are wondering exactly what defines a “HSP”, I found you a scientific explanation:
A highly sensitive person (HSP) is a neurodivergent individual who is thought to have an increased or deeper central nervous system sensitivity to physical, emotional, or social stimuli.
While highly sensitive people are sometimes negatively described as being “too sensitive," it is a personality trait that brings both strengths and challenges.
The term highly sensitive person was first coined by psychologists Elaine Aron and Arthur Aron in the mid-1990s. Elaine Aron published her book, "The Highly Sensitive Person," in 1996, and interest in the concept has continued to grow since then.
Maybe this all resonates with you? Think about it…
Do you read people really well?
You’ve always been an overthinker?
People have often told you to “not be so sensitive”?
Do you find you feel someone else’s emotions?
Perhaps loud noises, busy crowds, bright lights, strong smells or long to do lists trigger or easily overwhelm you?
When I realized there’s nothing really wrong with me, and that there are reasons I feel things so deeply…I have shifted all sorts of habits and behaviours in my life. I’m not “too sensitive or weak”.
Take this quiz to see if you are too!
If you want to learn more about Highly Sensitive People, here are some great articles and books:
When it comes to being a highly sensitive person, there are so many remarkable benefits. Take your time learning. And most importantly, take care of YOU. Use your love, support and encouragement to help others, just don’t forget to reset, relax and restore as needed.