6 Canadian-Made Essentials You Can Easily DIY
Lately, many people have been choosing Canadian-made cleaning and self-care products, which is a wonderful way to support local companies.
But I’ve been thinking—why not try making these things ourselves?
With a few basic ingredients most of us already have, plus a touch of essential oils from around the world, we can create gentle cleaners, foaming hand soaps, sprays, and scrubs that work just as well. It’s a practical, satisfying option that feels like a balance between doing it all and keeping things easy.
I have added a few of my base diy recipes, with essential oil blend variations for you to save below.
All Purpose Countertop Cleaner (kitchen and bathroom)
The Base Mister Spray Recipe (bedroom and bathroom)
Foaming Hand Soap
Gentle Scrub
6 Canadian-Made Essentials You Can Easily DIY (pin this article)
For the All Purpose Spray Recipe, you will need:
500 ml glass spray bottle (or you can simply re-use a bottle that you already have).
2-3 tsp of plain, plant based dish soap.
20-30 drops of essential oils (singles or a blend)
Distilled or previously boiled water.
➡ Add all of your ingredients in your bottle and shake well so that the ingredients blend.
Blends to try for the kitchen:
10 drops lemon, 10 drops orange and 10 drops rosemary
8 drops cassia, 10 drops orange and 10 drops black spruce (sourced from Canada)
Blends to try for the bathroom:
15 drops lemongrass and 15 drops tea tree
10 drops grapefruit, 10 drops bergamot and 10 drops rosemary
For the Base Room Spray, you will need:
250 ml amber glass spray bottle (or you can simply re-use a bottle that you already have).
2 tsp witch hazel (drying agent).
1 tsp dispersant (like solubol or an emulsifier) ***this is optional, it helps with blending the oils and other ingredients without having to shake the bottle.
20-25 drops of essential oils (singles or a blend)
Distilled or previously boiled water.
➡ Add all of your ingredients in your bottle and shake well so that the ingredients blend.
Blends to try for the bedroom:
10 drops lavender, 10 drops orange and 5 drops frankincense
8 drops Madagascar vanilla, 10 drops orange and 5 drops Hawaiian sandalwood
Blends to try for the bathroom:
10 drops lavender and 10 drops peppermint and 5 drops eucalyptus
10 drops grapefruit, 15 drops Siberian fir
For Foaming Hand Soap, you will need:
250 ml glass foaming bottle (or you can simply re-use a bottle like from “LiveClean”).
1 Tbsp Castile soap
1 tsp fractionated coconut oil (a little more or less, depending on how much moisturizing your family needs or likes)
20-30 drops of essential oils (singles or a blend)
Distilled or previously boiled water.
➡ Add all of your ingredients in your bottle and shake well so that the ingredients blend.
Blends to try:
Uplifting: 15 drops lime, 5 drops patchouli
Spicy Clean: 8 drops cassia, 10 drops orange, 5 drops eucalyptus and 5 drops rosemary
For Gentle Scrubs:
You will need baking soda, cleansing essential oils like lemon or orange, a splash of dish soap and a touch of water.
Add all of these in a small bowl and blend well to make a paste to a consistency YOU like, (different for everyone).
Apply the paste to sinks, tubs and stove tops etc. as needed. Use a soft scrub brush and then wipe down with a soft damp cloth.
I can’t even explain how many toxic, yucky, expensive products simple baking soda, a splash of soap and essential oils can replace.
***if you already have a favourite blend of essential oils that is fresh, invigorating and cleansing, USE THAT!! I typically use lemon or orange.
A few things to note and be aware of when you are doing your best to support “Canada only” (like myself and my family):
The bottles and glass most companies commonly use are sourced from other countries.
Essential oils are sourced from all over the world. So, you may be supporting a “Canadian owned Wellness and essential oil company, but the orange essential oil they are using may still be sourced in the US.
Some franchises may have an original US base, but they could be owned by one of your Canadian friends or neighbours.
💰The economic and supply chain ties between Canada and the US are deeply intertwined, making sourcing purely Canadian goods surprisingly complex. So, this is why I wanted to share some of the items that we don’t even “buy” in our home…to help simplify things, along with the fact you will save time, money and the environment by making some of your own home products!
If you loved this article, please share it with some of your Canadian friends!!! 🍁