Not a veggie fan?? I’m a little picky too. Here’s 21 ways to add them to your meals, sneakily & seamlessly…
I have a “health coach” confession…
I am not a big fan of vegetables.
I now know this because if you gave me a choice between eating a vegetable omelet or a smoothie filled with kale, spinach, fruit and plant based milk…
I would choose the smoothie in a heartbeat.
If you are like me, do you also plan a meal around the protein and then the vegetable is pretty much just added in the end?
Yep. I do.
And then maybe this sounds like you as well:
You search out vegan/plant forward restaurants in the city because you KNOW the benefits of plant based eating, but don’t have the creativity to eat more plants? So given the opportunity you do your best to treat yourself to a plant based, culinary meal?
Most of us know we need to eat more plants.
We know there are soooo many benefits to eating vegetables.
But…it takes work. And time. And creativity because let’s be honest, chomping on a piece of plain celery is really boring, (and yucky, but it’s because I dislike celery, gross). LOL.
The saying, “you are, what you eat” is so true.
One of the easiest ways to get more vegetables is to PLAN. Meal Plan at the beginning of the week. Try new veg recipes. Or add them in so that your meals are more fun and creative.
Base your meal plan, not only around your proteins, get creative with your vegetables.
One of my most favourite recipe books, all about adding more greens to your plate is: Greens, Glorious Greens.
Today, I have 21 sneaky ways to start adding more veggies into your meals! Print my free pdf today.