How to say “no” in a gentle & kind way.
It’s that time of year again:
activities ramp up
fees need to be paid
fundraisers start
meal planning is back on the books
classes get going
mornings get earlier
you get back to your own activities and classes
However, here lies a problem for those of us who are excited to get back to everything and then say YES to too many things…
So many things start up again and before you know it, we’re doing too much and burning ourselves out.
My wish for you this fall is to mindfully roll into September peacefully, (or as peacefully as you can) and to do what is absolutely necessary, but to NOT commit to things that take you over the edge.
This is easier said than done, but I want you to be able to say “no” this year to things that just don’t fit. They don’t fit your schedule, your needs, your goals. Things that as much as you want to do them and you feel bad for declining, they will compromise your mental health.
So, before you say “yes” right away, remember to pause and even use the 24 hour rule! Not everything needs an answer right away. For me, I answer way too quickly because I don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. But if you take time and look at your schedule and prioritize, chances are you will save yourself much stress and anxiety.
So, a reminder, before answering immediately, try saying:
“Let me get back to you” or “Can you let me think about it?”.
This way you will not over-commit. You can then decide if it will add value to your life/schedule. And if you think you MAY change your mind, say something like:
“Thank you for thinking of me. It’s a no for now, but I will definitely let you know if anything changes.”
A note to remember:
A gentle reminder, it’s ok to say…
No, if you don’t want to do something.
No, if you’re already overscheduled.
No, if you don’t have time.
No, if you feel forced to say yes.
No, if it doesn’t make you happy.
No, if you’d rather relax.
It’s ok to say no.
10 Kind & Gentle Ways to Say NO, (find more of my health & wellness lists on my Pinterest board here)