10 reasons to eat breakfast, and only 1 reason to skip it!
Breakfast is often called 'the most important meal of the day', and for good reason. As the name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight fasting period. It replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health.
Skipping the morning meal can throw off your body’s rhythm of fasting and eating. When you wake up, the blood sugar your body needs to make your muscles and brain work their best is usually low. Breakfast helps replenish it.
But can skipping breakfast be a good idea?
As with everything in health and wellness, there is no definitive answer. We are all so different, and what is best for one person may not be good for another.
There is one instance where skipping your morning meal can be healthy and serve a purpose and that’s intermittent Fasting, (but we’re not diving into that today, even though there’s definitely a place for intermittent fasting in our wellness routines.
I highly recommend learning more about IF, but today, let’s talk about all the benefits of eating breakfast, (but I’m not talking donuts, here).
You can learn more about intermittent fasting, right here!
As for skipping breakfast, I do not recommend it on a regular basis. Personally, for myself, eating breakfast is as, or maybe even more important than my morning routine.
Here are 10 reasons to eat your breakfast in the morning!
Provides energy
People who ate breakfast were more physically active in the morning than those who did not according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Might lower your risk of type II diabetes
An early breakfast may help you avoid blood glucose fluctuations, which can contribute to diabetes.
Good for memory
Breakfast may improve memory, concentration, the speed with which information is processed, reasoning, creativity, learning, and speaking talents in both adults and children according to research.
Keeps your weight down
When you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight. When you eat breakfast, you activate the thermogenesis process and thus stimulate your metabolism. Plus, studies have shown that eating a meal in the morning boosts your metabolism more than eating the same meal in the evening.
May help fight hair loss
Breakfast delivers essential micronutrients while reducing stress on the body.
Skipping breakfast can cause follicles to enter the telogen (resting) state, increasing the likelihood of hair loss.
After a night of fasting, a protein-rich breakfast provides nutrition to the hair and promotes healthy hair development.
Better mood
When you’re hungry, you tend to be grumpy and irritable. Your body is running on empty because it needs fuel. This affects your entire system.
May help fight headaches and migraines
Breakfast deprivation might result in headaches and migraines due to low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia).
Gives you more energy
Simply put, if there’s no fuel in the car, you won’t go anywhere. If there’s no fuel in your body, you won’t have the energy to move productively and mindfully throughout the day. Eating breakfast fuels your brain and your body and provides the glucose it needs to function properly and fight fatigue. If you don’t eat breakfast your energy will be noticeably diminished.
Helps you make better food choices throughout the day
By choosing a balanced breakfast, preferably one filled with good protein and high fibre, you will feel less hungry the rest of the day. Naturally, because you aren’t starving by lunch, you’ll naturally make healthier choices and skip the fast, convenient foods.
Helps with focus
Cognitive function and memory improve as a result of people having breakfast. Studies have shown that when people eat breakfast, things like concentration, memory, and energy all improve, making them more alert as well.
Just a few things to keep in mind…
Breakfast is not always breakfast! There is a big difference between eating a big bowl of Froot Loops and oatmeal with Greek yogurt, seeds and fresh fruit.
If you skip one of the main meals of the day, you may not get all the macro and micronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, etc.) that your body needs.
Eating a meal in the morning can have a positive effect on your blood sugar concentration.
We are all different, so our breakfasts will be different, eat balanced meals you love, and make YOUR body feel awesome.
Keep your breakfasts balanced, yummy and simple, (save the big breakfasts with family for the weekends).
Plan your breakfasts for the month, that way you’ll always have something on hand.
I hope that inspires you to make a plan and make sure you fuel yourself in the morning!! I know that after researching a little more and writing this, it really inspired me.
I even created a full cheat sheet with breakfast ideas for my September meal plan. If have already signed up, check your texts today. I am sending the sheet to you.
Sometimes we need a little motivation to get back on track, (especially in the morning for breakfast).
That’s why I created a simple, 5 day, organized meal plan & challenge!
There are a couple days to sign up, download all your materials and sign up for your morning texts next week.
I also just added: Breakfast Ideas “cheat sheet” to the program.
What’s included?
shopping lists
5 days of dinners, (all gf+df)
morning sheets
affirmations for the morning
inspirational, gentle morning text from me each day