Just when you think you can’t, or don’t have the time, try this right now…
I know you already know this, but breathwork is a powerful, supportive tool for your mental health and physical wellness.
But, perhaps you think you don’t have time?
You aren’t comfortable with yoga or meditation?
You have too many other pressing responsibilities?
Well, I used to think the same things. No time. Didn’t know “how”. Too busy. Too stressed.
I totally, 100% get it.
However, today, let’s just humour ourselves and see how we feel to just stop and breathe. No judgement, no one looking, just try and feel.
Even if you don’t “do yoga or meditate”, just call it a “relaxing, breathing exercise”.
I made a simple video, without sound for you to follow and try. Once you are comfortable with simply breathing, close your eyes and breath 10 more rounds on your own.