You have 172 days left in this year…how you spend each day could change your life. Start right here, right now.
Did you know there are only 172 days left in this year?
And as we are already in mid July, how are you feeling?
Are you energized, happy, and go to bed feeling content and fulfilled?
Or are you simply going through the motions each day and by the time your head hits the pillow at night, you just crash? And then get up and do it all over the next day?
My guess is that 6 months ago, near the start of the year you had some big goals.
You were rocking it for a while, making progress, feeling awesome about things and then boom! Back to that good ole comfort zone and you have put some of your early, healthy intentions from January on the back burner.
Well, I’m here to share with you that all of that is totally cool and ok because you’re still doing awesome and it’s pretty easy to get back to healthy habits and living well IF you simply change the way in which you are moving towards a healthier lifestyle or a specific goal.
We all have goals. If you stop and think about it, you have things that make you really happy and simply make you feel good.
So, today I created a workbook for you to print and use for the remainder of the year. Or simply use it to get yourself started again!
This is all about small things, baby steps and consistent easy changes in your daily habits.
So let’s do this! Here’s the workbook.
There’s also a story, (and a method to my madness) behind this whole blog this week, so read on if you like. xo
The last 6 months, I have made some significant changes…and have been working on a few, fun goals…and shifts…and I have to admit, most of my days are filled with a content heart rather than pessimism and anxiety, but it’s been a LONG road, and definitely not an easy one.
I am a very impatient person and typically take challenges and projects head on. I want to do it all, have grandiose ideas, plan all this wonderful stuff, take on too many tasks and then…
I burn out.
And then feel like a failure.
But, ever since the beginning of 2022, I have made shifts and it all started when we set our intentions in January. If you missed the intention setting pdf, you can still download it here.
A challenge I set for myself last month that really got me thinking about how small changes lead to huge successes. I began working towards jogging 5 km, 3 times a week.
My final goal: Jog/run 5 km, 3 times a week and stay injury free.
Honestly, I think running sucks, but when I ran in the past, it made me feel strong.
Here’s the story I wanted to briefly share about how small, slow, consistent changes will always beat out big aggressive changes every single time.
Last week, I was getting ready for my run and my one son, Caidyn asked if he could join me. This kid is in super crazy, good shape, so of course I told him my run was actually still a walk/run and I am pretty slow. He wanted to join me anyway, (well, Neila, our youngest sheltie and myself).
A few minutes into the run, I could tell he wanted to go ahead, so I told him to just go and I would be fine:)
Well, because he thought he was a super human and could just run at top speed, (he works out, and does HITT, but doesn’t jog over a longer distance), but his pace didn’t last.
I caught up and ended up ahead of him because he was exhausted. So fun!
He was pretty cute because when we got home he told me how proud of me he was.
Moral of the story: slow and steady wins the “race”.
I started off with short intervals of running. Slow and easy.
I’m not at my end goal yet, but can now do 15 minutes and 10 minutes, (with walks in between).
For some people, I know this isn’t an amazing feat, but for me…I am pretty proud of myself.
I mentioned to Caidyn that I was the tortoise and he was the hare and he just scrunched his eyebrows at me because he had no idea as to what I was talking about.
Do you remember that story?
“Aesop’s famous fable tells the story of a tortoise who, ridiculed by the hare for being slow, challenges it to a race. The hare soon leaves the tortoise behind and, confident of winning, takes a nap midway. Upon awakening, he finds that his competitor, crawling slowly but steadily, has arrived before him. It is thus, that at the moment of challenge and encounter, power was transferred and, an apparently predetermined outcome was inversed - strength became weakness, weakness transformed into strength, and a derided attribute, when coupled with steadfastness, produced a win.”
I have 3 very important, private questions for you. Just between you and me…
Are you happy?
What does your perfect day look like?
How do you feel mentally and physically?
Now, close your eyes and imagine it’s December 31, 2022 and you are living your perfect day and you are living and feeling well. Picture your day and really think about how it FEELS.
Now, guess what? You can create that feeling. You have all the power and ability to live daily well and healthy and happy. You know that kinda day that when you move through it, just feels good. A day in which you are content, your heart is relaxed and you are proud of yourself.
You know the best part? You don’t have to sign up for a $400 program, or an expensive coach, or go away on a exotic vacation…
You just have to dig deep, choose how you want to feel, change and add small, consistent, daily changes that in 6 months become part of your lifestyle and become habits.
Habits that move you and create a life that feels…good, (I really don’t know what other word to use, lol)
I know this is a pretty deep topic, but today I am hoping to help you start somewhere, make things simple and move towards that ultimate goal/feeling at the end of the year.
One of the biggest problems we make when working on healthy changes…
we try to change TOO MUCH at one time.
So…let’s do this!!!
Download my workbook, read it over and use it if you need it!