The most dreaded question for moms all around the world…

When someone in your family asks, “What’s for dinner?”, what’s the first thing that pops up into your head?

For me? I think it’s one of the most dreaded questions I get in the week. Makes me cringe, honestly.

I know, in the summer, this question doesn’t come up as often, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot and wanted to share something exciting that I’ve been working on…

Monthly Meal Planning Challenges. 

Yep, back to some good old health coaching blended in with meal planning, mindful living and essential oil tips and tricks.

You may be wondering why I would go back to meal planning challenges, (besides the fact I miss them and I miss doing them with you).

The quick and simple answer:

When I am organized and my family is fed and I have healthy breakfasts, snacks and meals pretty much set for most of the week, everything tends to fall into place.

I feel relaxed.

More organized.

More time for my work.




The longer, deeper answer, to why bring back my meal planning challenges, especially when there are so many apps and websites out there to help you build plans and share recipes:

Holistic, whole, healthy living is more than ONE thing. It’s more than simply exercising every day. Or meditating. Or eating the cleanest diet on the planet, (no one can really agree on that, lol). Or even practicing a perfect life full of positivity and mindfulness. Or creating the most perfect, uncluttered, organized, non-toxic home.

Healthy living, living a life well, for a long time is ALL of those things. Included feeding ourselves and our families.

For the rest of 2022, and heading into 2023 I have monthly challenges coming your way. (this is what I have quietly been working on the past couple months). The foundation will be meal planning…but always infused with holistic living inspiration.

So…heads up! Registration starts next week.

And if you think you don’t have time or are intimidated by meal planning, here are some pretty good reasons to join me this September:

  1. You tend to eat healthier when you’ve prepped well thought out, nutrient dense meals and snacks.

  2. You’ll save time, (fewer last minute trips to the grocery store).

  3. You’ll save money. Less impulse buys. (this is huge).

  4. You’ll feel less stressed.

  5. You’ll have more energy, (this happens when we fuel our bodies with more real, and less fake foods).

  6. You’ll avoid wasting food. When every food has a purpose, you won’t have to worry about items in your fridge going to waste.

  7. You’ll get to try new recipes, (and add to your list of favs).

  8. There will be more variety in your diet.

  9. You’ll actually be using your slow cooker.

  10. No one will be asking you, “What’s for dinner” because you will have the whole week planned.

So, when do we start????

The CHALLENGE runs from Monday, September 19 to Friday, the 23rd.

The planning starts Friday, September 16th, we prep and connect the Saturday and Sunday and then the making and daily challenge starts on the 19th, (Monday).

The whole plan will be up for purchase by next Wednesday, August 10, (you’ll be the first to access it via your newsletter).


Newsletter subscribers: $45

Non-Newsletter Subscribers: $55

And, just when you think I have a simple, boring meal planning challenge for you, think again!

**This is more than your average meal plan “challenge**

When you sign up, (next week), you’ll receive all the documents and handouts, but during the week of the challenge you’ll receive morning, inspirational texts. 

To summarize:

  1. When you purchase the plan, you’ll be directed to a pdf (make sure you save it) with a link to a page where you will be able to download all your documents.

  2. On your meal planning page, you’ll see buttons for recipes, lemon water tips, morning gratitude/journal sheets, shopping list, snack pages, breakfast recipe ideas, meal plan etc.

  3. There will also be a button to “Add yourself to our private FB group”. (this is optional)

  4. And to receive your awesome, inspirational texts during the week, the ones that are just for YOU, text the word “meal” to my new texting number, 833-458-3798.



You know what I love almost as much as health and wellness challenges? Funny, foodie quotes that make you smile. Here are a few I made for you to save and share!


10 Secrets To Happiness


Healthy Feet = Happy Feet