10 Secrets To Happiness
The other day a friend asked me why I put so much effort into my newsletters and blogs.
She wasn’t complaining, she actually mentioned she really loved my letters and all the recipes, insights and notes I had to share.
I told her I really, really love love writing, creating and sharing…all in the hopes that even if any of this reaches one person and makes a bit of a difference in their life.
I don’t have millions of readers and newsletter subscribers, but I know that you read many of my weekly insights.
And if there is even one thing that makes you happy and appreciate something that motivates you to make a healthy change or inspires you a little to try something new, I get a little stoked. It truly makes my heart happy.
You see…
I love to share.
I love it when you learn something new.
I love getting messages back from you.
In my yoga classes I really love to make you giggle, smile too.
(Even if sometimes I’m a little inappropriate, lol)
Being, happy. Content. Settled. Isn’t that what life’s all about?
Honestly, does anyone ever strive to be sad? Or annoyed? No. They don’t. I believe most people just want to be healthy and happy.
But, I also know some people really struggle to even get out of bed in the morning, let alone actually live a really joyful life.
I understand it all takes work and it’s more difficult for some, (depending on certain circumstances) than others.
You know what I do believe helps a little when you are going through some ups and downs in life…constantly working towards being “happy” is letting this familiar saying really set into your heart…
“Happiness is not a destination, it’s a journey.”
It’s a mindset, a perspective, a choice.
And it has nothing to do with finally reaching the Holy Grail of anticipated, sought-after bliss,
(I didn’t write that last line, it’s from the internet) :o)
Basically, “happiness” is something we work on, daily, just like a healthy habit.
And you know what helps a little when creating your own simple happiness?
Knowing each day is going to be different. Some will rock. Others will suck. And you’ll even have days where you won’t want to get out of bed in the morning.
I made this beautiful graphic with 10 Secrets to happiness. If you notice, they’re not about reaching goals, or having things…they’re simple things.
Things that do have science behind them, but if you’re like me, the studies and peer reviewed papers don’t really matter. I encourage you to infuse some of these in your life, daily because they just feel good. And they make sense.
Lotsa love to you today! And if you click on the image right below, it actually takes you to my Pinterest board where I collect and create healthy lists. Click here to check it out, (or click the photo). xo
I love #10 and listen to happy music to get me going and pull me out of any funk I may be in that day!
I even created a special, fun, happy “Summer Tunes, 2022” Happy Playlist for you. It’s right HERE on Spotify.