Healthy Feet = Happy Feet

Feet. We’re talking about keeping our feet happy and healthy today!

Download my Foot Care Recipe Sheet.

Many of us don’t think about our feet until they something happens to them, (chronic pain, plantar fasciitis, bunions, athlete’s foot, ingrown toenails etc.).

Did you know…

Seventy-five percent of Canadians will experience foot health problems of varying degrees of severity at one time or another in their lives. About 19 percent of the Canadian population has an average of 1.4 foot problems each year.

And think about this…

If you have a mechanical/physical problem with your feet, (like ankle pain or Plantar Fasciitis, it affects your gait, the way in which you walk, and in turn affects your knees, then your hips and then your spine).

Our feet are literally the foundation for the rest of our body.

When it comes to disease, our feet can also be a key indicator of health: diabetes, kidney disease, Raynaud’s disease etc. Here’s a handy dandy, list of do’s and don’ts for you too save.

Foot health 101

(a few do’s & dont’s)


  1. Wear too-tight shoes.

  2. Wear flip flops, (and if you do, limit the amount of time spent in them).

  3. Share shoes.

  4. Stand too long in one spot, (standing in one spot is far more tiring than walking. The reason for this is that demands are being made on the same few muscles for a length of time.

  5. Share pedicure utensils with your pals.

  6. Hide discolored nails with polish. Let them breathe and treat the underlying issue.

  7. Shave calluses.

  8. Perform “DIY surgery” on an ingrown nail. (make sure you check out my foot care sheet to see how to appropriately support ingrown toenails)

  9. Wear heels often, if at all. (If they must be worn, find a shoe with as broad a heel as possible to increase surface area contact between the shoe and the ground.)

  10. Simply ignore foot pain.


  1. Try Legs up the Wall (Viparita Karani) after a long day or a hard workout.

  2. Give yourself a foot massage with a lotion blended with essential oils. Try one of these blends on my Foot Care Sheet (download here).

  3. Roll a tennis ball under your feet.

  4. Purchase orthotics if your gait, (the way in which you walk), is irregular and you have sore feet. My recommendation: Footmaxx (I have been using these for 15 years for my own plantar fasciitis).

  5. Soothe irritation with a warm foot soak. (Download the recipe off my Foot Care Sheet).

  6. Cool and support circulation with cool foot soaks. (Download the recipe off my Foot Care Sheet).

  7. Book a reflexology session. A couple highly recommended practitioners: Gudrun Penselin and Barefoot Bohemian Holistics.

  8. Wear toe spacers if you are starting to get bunions.

  9. Always keep your feet clean and dry.

  10. Keep an eye on your feet for changes, pain, irritation, and anything else. Again, be mindful of what you put on your feet.

For some fun facts and my full, 3 page Foot Care Guide, click here for the pdf. Save and make sure to print and keep it handy so that your feet are not only healthy, but happy, lol. xo



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