What essential oils should you have in your first aid kit for the Summer?
These days, it’s super easy to just grab a first aid kit off the shelf in places like Costco or the drug store, but what if you pretty much already have all you need in your home?
In this blog I have included:
A simplified list of oils and a few oil blends to have on hand all summer, (everything from cooling spray to digestive upset).
My TWO most used recipe cards for you to download, print and add to your recipe box.
Full class notes from a First Aid workshop I held years ago. You are welcome to save to your computer and print if you like!!
The Essential Oils:
Peppermint: for cooling sprays, after sun care, aches and pains, bug bites and digestive upset, (after too many marshmallows).
Lavender: Known as the “Swiss Army Knife” of essential oils, if there’s only one oil you should have in multiple places this Summer, it’s lavender. Specifically, Lavendula angustifolia. Your lavender can be used for burns, wasp stings, sleep, soothing rashes and after sun remedies.
Lemon: This oil is so wonderfully affordable and is extremely versatile. Use it all summer for cleaning, (add to a spray bottle with a splash of dish soap for a multi purpose cleaner), diffuse in the camper to keep everything smelling fresh, sanitize countertops etc.
Citronella: such an excellent insect repellent, diffuse or add it to your own outdoor spray.
Geranium: this is a staple in many diy insect sprays, but especially effective for ticks, has been studied and has been proven to repel the pesky critters, (as or more powerful than deet, way healthier too).
Tea Tree: Next to lavender, this is the other essential oil that has a regular place in our first aid kit. Use for cuts, infections, skin issues, cleaning, sanitizing. Soothing, yet powerful anti-fungal.
TerraShield®: This blend is doTERRA’s “Repellent Blend”. On its own, you can make your spray, or add it to an unscented lotion and apply as a repellent in the summer. Ingredients~: Citronella, Lemongrass, Thyme, Cedarwood, Geranium, and Peppermint essential oils in a base of Sesame Seed Oil.
Copaiba: This essential oil is a super safe, soothing, calming oil. We keep it on hand to add to our doTERRA®Deep Blue® for injuries, and aches and pains. It’s also extremely safe for pets, so if your dog or cat doesn’t travel well, you can add a drop to a carrier and rub on the pinnae of their ears.
Deep Blue®: Deep Blue is a really popular blend from doTERRA®. You will find it in a blend, rollerball, rub and now in a really awesome stick, (that’s blended with copaiba). We keep a small container of the rub in our first aid kit for soft tissue pain and general injuries from summer activities.
Did you know you can purchase doTERRA essential oils for 25% off, any time? Yep, just like me! No membership fees upfront, either. Click HERE to add any oils you may need to get prepared for this summer!
🥰 Sign up gift is included: Empty rollerball and label top stickers.