Less is more…

This is one of my favourite sayings, "less is more".

Kind of coincides with quality over quantity...a mindset and lifestyle motto I have embraced since I was really young, (except books, you can never have too many books, lol).

I even had a small professional organizing business and cleared clutter and created more relaxing, organized spaces for clients.

Minimalism and living with less, seems to be more important right now, than ever.

Ever notice how you feel after you clear and clean your office space? Or the fridge? Your car?

Maybe your social feed? Photos? Apps and subscriptions on your phone?

Living with less is definitely not a new idea...

Yogis have been following principles (yamas) that align with living a simpler life for thousands of years.

Specifically, aparigraha, the 8th yogic Yama.

Aparigraha literally translates into “not grasping,” and is a lifestyle practice of non-greed and non-attachment with obvious ties to minimalism.

This is what has been weighing on me, not lately, but for the past few years, actually.

Less for me, moving forward is detaching from social media platforms.

Less posting and connecting and scrolling.

Where can you find me most of the time? HERE, on my website and in my weekly collective! Just make sure you’re on my list to stay connected! CLICK HERE to make sure you’re on it.

And if you’re ready to do some deep decluttering in your home and life with me, join me for my next challenge: Mindful Minimalism. 21 days of decluttering. Simply download the free checklist here.

If you love quotes like me, here are 10 of my favourite, minimalism quotes:

Minimalism isn’t about removing the things you love. It’s about removing the things that distract you from the things you love.~Joshua Becker

If you want to clean less, you need less to clean.~The Clearing Concept

Look around. All that clutter and all those things used to be money.~Kellie Timmins

Get clear on what matters by getting rid of everything that doesn’t.~bemorewithless.com

Be a curator of your life. Slowly cut things out until you’re left only with what you love, with what’s necessary, with what makes you happy.~Leo Babauta

Decluttering is infinitely easier when you think of it as what to keep, rather than deciding what to throw away.~Francine Jay

Sometimes our stop-doing list needs to be bigger than our to-do list.~Patti Digh

Never organize what you can donate or discard.~Kellie Timmins

If your stuff isn’t serving you, it won’t be serving you any better packed away in a box somewhere.~Melissa Camara Wilkins

Our homes are not containers for stuff, but rather places for love and connection.~Cozy Minimalism


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