We all have those days when we need a little pick-me-up. These , short, but deep, wallpaper quotes are here to help.
Kellie Timmins Kellie Timmins

We all have those days when we need a little pick-me-up. These , short, but deep, wallpaper quotes are here to help.

I have curated 51 of the most inspirational, motivational wallpaper quotes for you in this list. Full instructions (as well as a video) are included as to how you can add them to your phone and create a rotation of the images throughout the day.

They are free and I have not added my watermark so you can enjoy their simplicity and beauty. Motivation and inspiration at your fingertips. ♥

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10 reasons we tend to skip activities, (like yoga and meditation), that make us feel so good.

10 reasons we tend to skip activities, (like yoga and meditation), that make us feel so good.

10 reasons (science based) reasons we tend to skip activities, like yoga and meditation that are good for our physical and mental health. Learn about the realistic, attainable ways to implement healthy habits like regular yoga and meditation practices.

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