True Wellness. What it means to me today:)

I am a few days late…but Happy New Year. And what a week it has already been, hey?

Anyhoo…we all know the year always starts off with resolutions and healthy habit building and cleanses and crazy diets. This year I noticed many are even rebelling against the norms and skipping the “new year, new me” philosophy all together.

My opinion on it all? Do what works for you! Do what feels good. Do what your body is telling you.

Need to fuel your body better? Well, get meal planning.

Gut health a mess? Start studying and figure out what works for you!

Craving a good declutter and clean, (physically and mentally)? Take my #lessismore2021 challenge, (download the challenge sheet here and do it any time in January and February).

Need more mindfulness in your life? Follow or download an app to guide you or sign up with a local meditation expert, (in Grande Prairie I love Crystal Kirkham).

Stiff and sitting too much?? Get on your yoga mat and add at least 30 minutes of exercise to your day.

Need rest…well then rest.

Me? Well I tend to fall in the “clear, clean up and declutter everything around me” category so I am doing my challenge. You can download the sheet here.

I have also been sitting quietly each and every morning and thinking about the state of our world. What is really important in life. What truly matters.

I always come back to health and wellness. I ask myself, “why isn’t prevention and how we fuel our bodies and what we use in our homes talked about more???”

Why isn’t being well the number one priority right now???

And what does it mean to be well? What is true wellness?

This is what I wrote in my journal New Years Day…click here if you’d love to read my thoughts. xo


Get ready for a challenge that will change your whole day!


The best bath bomb recipe in the world.