Technically our “challenge” starts Monday, September 19, but you can download all your sheets and recipes right aways.
Bonus Material will be downloaded in the next couple weeks.
I have added all your downloads separately, in the tabs/buttons below for easy download and printing.
You can also simply choose the last button and download the whole plan in pdf.
If you don’t want to print any of the documents, but would love easy access, I have also added each of the documents as images in a gallery below.
How the September challenge will work:
The challenge itself starts Monday, Sept. 19 to Friday the 23.
Prep happens a couple days before. This is the day I will send you a brief text to see how you are doing.
Print out all the documents on this page as needed, (or save on your phone if you don’t have a printer). This page is evergreen, which means it will be accessible to you indefinitely.
Sign up for my inspirational, morning texts, (this is for those who love a little motivation and connection at the beginning of their day. TEXT the word “meal” to my business phone number: 833-458-3798. Or simply fill out my form below, (whatever is easiest).
Add yourself to my private, FB group to share some of your meals, questions, tips etc., (this is also optional).