Harmony Rollerball

Harmony Rollerball

Yield: 1, 10 ml roller
Author: Kellie Timmins
Prep time: 10 MinTotal time: 10 Min
This gorgeous, tranquil and smooth blend can be used at the end of your yoga practice or as a personal, very pleasing scent.


10 ml Harmony Rollerball


  1. Add your essential oils to the rollerball first.
  2. Top off with fractionated coconut oil.
  3. Place the roller, (stainless steel balls are the best), on and push on tightly.
  4. Add a label on the side with the name and ingredients, (2 inch Avery labels fit 10 ml rollerballs extremely well).
  5. Apply on the back of your neck, jaw line and pulse points.

Would you like to buy the oils in this recipe and receive 25% off? Click below and add them to your cart (no membership required).

(I have a small gift I will send to you after ordering!!)