
You see the spot on your “Daily Journal Sheet” where it specifies, “More of This”?

Today, let’s just take a moment to really think about what you need “more of” today?

Things like:

  • More mindful eating

  • Smiling at strangers

  • Hugs

  • Time outside in the yard

  • Positive chatter in my own head to myself

  • Time to breathe, (set a time and a timer if you need to)

  • Movement, (especially if you sit for long periods of time)

  • Water

  • Quiet time

  • Time with loved ones

  • A little self care

If you are really stuck, try a simple aromatic rub down after the shower, (quick self care tip)…

  1. Add some of your favourite essential oils to plain lotion, and then after your shower, massage the blend into your legs, arms, belly, and chest. Try dropping a couple eo’s (of any of the combinations below), into approximately 2 tsp of lotion and then massage away:

2 drops frankincense+2 drops lavender+2 drops bergamot

2 drops geranium+4 drops wild orange

2 drops cypress+2 drops lemon

6 drops Hawaiian Sandalwood (all by itself, my FAVOURITE)

6 drops “Forget-me-knot” blend from Aromatics International

5 drops AromaTouch (doTERRA massage blend)

5 drops Balance

***if you really, really love the combination you try…make a small container of your own yummy, soothing, pretty blend

That’s all I have for today! Happy Thursday.